
On-Demand video content

Identify Your Market Opportunity

Uncover how to identify and capture your market opportunity in wellness! In this video, we dive into strategies to analyze market landscapes, pinpoint gaps, and select the best entry approach for lasting success.

Build a Brand Bible

Learn how to establish a strong, consistent brand identity as you build and grow your business.

Calculate Your Market Size

In this video, we break down the key steps to help wellness founders accurately size their market, refine growth strategies, and set realistic goals for market penetration.

Virtual Midndfulness

Join us for a transformative virtual mindfulness class led by one of our experienced instructors! This session, designed for students and professionals alike, guides participants through grounding exercises, targeted breathwork techniques, and reflective journaling prompts to foster self-awareness and a mindset for success.

Course library

Browse our course library to learn from founders and funders alike on how to scale your business.

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